It is weird. To be back, I mean. After spending over two weeks in Brazil.
The plane landed at 9 PM. Finland was so dark. We still had to drive about 2 hours to Tampere. We were listening to some Finnish songs and dreaming about shower and Finnish rye bread.
It felt weird to be in Finland again. This dark and cold country, where everything is so efficient and clean.
When I got home, I fell asleep immediately. The next morning was weird, too. And it still is. Over two weeks of Brazilian food, hotel rooms, friends, weather, cities and Portuguese. And now – suddenly everything is Finnish again. And there are laundry to do and food to buy. Don’t get me even started about work and school duties.
I guess time stopped for a while and now it’s going on again, but I’m not ready.
// Outoa olla kotona. Miten nopeasti suomen kieli ja kaikki muukin suomalainen voikaan alkaa tuntua oudolta? Nyt pitäisi taas saada aivot arkiasentoon, mutta ei oikein tunnu luonnistuvan. Onneksi tämä päivä nyt vähän rennommin. Alla nostalgiabiisi, jota kuunneltiin Helsinki-Tampere -välillä autossa. Kuinka moni muistaa sanat?
Here’s a Finnish version of Lemon tree song. It’s a song about missing your home. I remember this from my childhood.